Saturday, June 28, 2014

Saturday Prayer Request: Frederick Douglass High School

Today is the first day of Saturday Prayer Request!

For the rest of the summer I will be posting a new place, person, or area that I would like you all to pray for. These places, people, and areas are essential for the thriving of our neighborhood, Douglass Park.

Today I would like you all to pray for Frederick Douglass High School. This is a historical part of Columbia, Missouri, and most of the current students comprise of the teens from around the neighborhood. It started off as the only school that black children were allowed to attend until Brown vs. Board of Education, but today it is the alternative high school in Columbia.

  1. Pray for the teachers to remain steadfast in educating their students. It can be a hard place to teach at times, but pray for the teachers and leaders to lead the students well.
  2. Pray for the students to see and follow godly men and women on staff, in the neighborhood, or in their lives. 
  3. Pray for salvation for all people. Pray that God would start a revival in the hearts of the students, teachers, and staff. Pray that God may be known truly through Jesus Christ.
  4. Pray for connections to be made with students, teachers, and staff. We desire to connect and serve the people that make up our neighborhood.
God is good and gracious

Jacob Luis Gonzales

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