Friday, April 25, 2014

If We Die, We Die

While I do not completely agree that giving Chicago good weather is a test, I believe that this Facebook status should reveal the need of the gospel of Jesus Christ to be known throughout each neighborhood in Chicago. I love my hometown, and Jesus needs to be preach boldly and lovingly in the areas of most need.

Ali and I are moving to a neighborhood that is more dangerous than any other in Columbia, the Douglass Park neighborhood, but some areas of Chicago give me a real perspective on violence, drug use, and the brokenness of each and every human being. We are no better than the people that committed crimes, and we all need the hope of the gospel in our lives.

We have all fallen short by sinning against God, and this violence in Chicago demonstrates the reality of our hearts: We need Jesus.

Let's sacrifice to go into the dangerous neighborhoods. People need to know of the life that Jesus lived for us, died the death in our place for our sins, and rose from the grave to defeat Satan, sin, and death.

The gospel sends us into the dangerous neighborhoods because we serve a Savior who went into dangerous neighborhoods, hung out with the rejects of His day, and died a horrific death all for us. We are to likewise go into the dangerous neighborhoods and share the hope only found in Jesus.

If we die, we die, but we die with a certain hope only found in the God that died for us! 

Chicago needs Jesus. Columbia needs Jesus. The world needs Jesus.

You need Jesus. I need Jesus. We all need Jesus.

God is good and gracious.

Jacob Luis Gonzales


For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's. (Romans 14:8 ESV)

1 comment:

  1. So proud and excited to see God work through y'all. Thank you for being willing and ready to go anywhere God calls us.

    Definitely on board with you guys. How awesome is our God that He would allow us to partner with Him in spreading the gospel even to the darkest places! :)
