Sunday, August 10, 2014

Pretty Little Lies

To set the scene for this post I would like to describe my Saturday night activities.

Ali and I sit across the room from one another as we do separate things. Three light are on in our living room, and one of them is the light from the laptop I am typing on. The glow of her iPhone gives me a vague outline of her face. The last light is coming from a our very small TV, and the show we are attempting to watch is a show based on lying to the ones closest to you. I dare not share the show’s name to remain above reproach to all people groups. 

With all that in mind, it has made me think about a topic that I believe we undervalue:


Honesty is an interesting thing, isn’t it? We would all say that we want to be told the truth. When we are lied to we feel betrayed. I can also make the general assumption that when we find out we have been lied to by our friends we are much more devastated than if we were to discover we were lied to by our barista. 

The closer the person is to us, the more a lie hurts us.

But, do you really want the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? 

Well, do you?

This is the part that gets pretty honest. This is where I tell you that you have been deceived and you have actually enjoyed seeking out the lies. You have passionately sought out things that will tear away at your heart. You have mercilessly pursued something that offers the world and gives you death.

The reality of your life is that you have always wanted the lies but you reject the truth. The reality is that the truth is something you have fought with every once of your being. The thought of the lies makes your mouth water with anticipation. An issue with accepting this is that plenty of people will tell you lies as “truth” because they are also deceived. The ripple effect of the very first deception is still creating waves after waves of destruction, so the best way to find an answer is to look at the start of all the lies in the world.

The first lie in all of history was Satan telling Eve that if she ate a fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil she would not die. The first ever lie was about the result of her action, not the action itself. He said the result of her disobedience to God’s loving command was not what God had told her. Simply put, Satan called God a liar.

Think about that. The first lie was a created being calling God a liar. Satan deceived Adam and Eve. 

But, if this were the end of the story it would appear that we are victims and not a part of the problem. Take a closer look:
But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths.
(Genesis 3:4-7 ESV)
It said that they were lied to, but it says that Eve looked and thought it was “good,” “a delight,” and “to be desired.” They took the fruit because they thought disobeying God’s commands was good, a delight, and desirable. They wanted to disobey God. 

You are no different. You might think that looking at porn is a good thing. You might think that getting stoned, drunk, or cross-faded is a delight. You also might think that being the best, strongest, most rational, most put-together, most religious, and most responsible person you know is the most desirable thing on the planet. 

Reality check: All of those things are LIES.

To those who believe the lies and disobey God: you are not able to believe God because you actively reject God’s reign. This inability is due to sin’s effect in your heart. Sin promises satisfaction but leaves you wanting more. Your habit, addiction, or passion might feel good, but if this feeling is leading you to death would you want someone to tell you?

All this being said, this may be you. You might believe the lie that you will not die from your sin, but know this: Death only entered the world because of sin, and since we are all sinners you should know that your sin does lead to death.

There’s only two options: believe the lie or believe the Truth.

Jesus is the one man to have ever believed God’s words, spoke the truth in love at all times, resisted Satan’s temptation to doubt God, and perfectly obeyed God’s will for His life. He obeyed perfectly to save you. He believed God was worthy to be trusted in all things, at all times, and in all circumstances. 

God isn’t asking for your perfect faith, but God is calling you to place your life and your small faith in Jesus Christ. He is worthy. He is faithful. He is God.

We can either believe the lie that we can save ourselves or we can believe that the only Way to be saved is found in the perfect Lamb of God — His perfect life, His sacrificial death on the cross, and His triumphant resurrection from the grave.

Don’t believe the lie; even if the lie is a pretty little lie.

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