Thursday, March 5, 2015

Hip Hop Heart Cloggin’

Bouncing back and forth to the beat
as if gravity left and this is a moon bounce seat
bobbing my head with the lyrics of heroes
putting them as men without sin, zero

Not understanding that these are fallen men
not wanting open my eyes or my heart to turn
I hold these songs as cures for my top ten
not seeking the proper ointment for the burn

I’m putting more hot coals on top of the skin
hoping to feel the relief of burning it all away
There’s a lot of losing in this game, no chance to win
Listening to poison, expecting the pain to stay

The rhythm flowing through my body, no hobby, just robbin’
all of my desires of righteousness, no chance to look
at the real God because of my cycle of heart cloggin’
pushing the Truth down while lifting up the crook.

The hate of their speech is easy to relate with, so real
I can feel the anger rising inside of me, no love for you
You offer to love me for nothing of my own doing, no deal
You don’t know my heart inside of me, no love for you

The answer is to lash out, to fight back with my fists
to make them feel the pain that I feel deep down, no choice
but to keep pushing back until you truly get the gist
I scream of anger with no one to hear my cries, no voice

When will the answers that I hear in these songs be seen?
When will my reality line up with what I hear in their breath?
My eyes, heart, and mind have never had a linear theme
and that might because it only comes through His life and death.

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